Monday, February 4, 2008

Missing You

I'm trying to find a piece of music just under five minutes. So I order all my tracks according to the length of the piece. Which gives me a rather weird playlist. Which I pretend to listen while I work on the probability course I'm supposed to be teaching in April. But the recurring surprises of old songs reminding me of familiar times and places distract me repeatedly from my work. And so I gaze up from my papers and think of old adventures and of old stories and of old dreams and of old friends. Including you.

Just letting you know that I miss you today.


janus said...

Which I pretend to listen while I work on the probability course I'm supposed to be teaching in April.

sometimes i don't measure how long i work in terms of hours. instead, i measure it by the number of albums i've played over that time.

Saara said...

Oh, yeah! I measure a lot of things like that. Like how long/fast I run depening on how many songs i hear.

Then I sometimes need to convert to normal time and I use the rule that a song is always five minutes long and an album is one hour. Only that doesn't work at all right of course.

Anonymous said...

Minä? Oikeasti? No, meillä on ikävä sinua myös.

Saara said...

Ihan oikeasti. Juuri sinua! ;)