Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Observations from the Sofa

Here's the first exception to the rule that when I'm not posting it's because I'm having too much of fun. Namely I've been ill all last week. And actually it's the first two exceptions since this week I've consequently been unimaginably busy.

But really, there's nothing to be sorry about since you've lost no great tales. The colours of the blankets and the flavours of the teas and the thickness of the socks aren't really universally interesting enough and even my blog has to have some standards as to how tiresome the ramblings can be. So contrary to the title this is not a post about observations from the sofa but rather a post about observations on how boring such observations would be. Which to be sure is much more interesting.

But here's a bonus photo taken today and representing the proud joyous feeling I get almost every time I walk outside. This is my hometown.


janus said...

The colours of the blankets and the flavours of the teas and the thickness of the socks aren't really universally interesting

come, now. surely the blend of tea must be somewhat interesting. i certainly want to know. q:

Saara said...

Well, Iceland is in no way a tea country. I mostly use bad cheap tea bags which means that I don't drink that much.

However, there are amazingly good Icelandic herbal teas. Our current (and all time) favourite is a blend of thyme, birch leaves, blueberry and juniper.

Anonymous said...

wow kiva kuva! Hope you're feeling better.

Saara said...

Yep, thanks for asking, I'm quite recovered. But way too busy now! ;)