Friday, December 21, 2007


We figured out already a long long time ago with my mum that the meaning of life is "to move stuff from one place to another". I'm happy to announce that I've been fulfilling this maxim diligently lately. It's what they call the Christmas spirit.

There's no snow yet though. I don't think it can be fair that there's been a snow storm in Ann Arbor – or so I hear – and Tommi's sister tells me that there's even snow in Marche in Italy. But absolutely none here. Today there was some frost on the gound and a beautiful golden sunshine. But no snow.

I feel quite like a Christmas elf walking back and forth with bags full of wrapped Christmas presents to be traded to new bags over coffee or glögi or lunch. And the kitchen is warm tonight and smells sweet and my feet hurt from standing so long guarding the pots and kettles.

Here's an empty picture. It's my desk at the department all cleaned up. But if you look closely you can see all my stuff filed on the shelves, they are reflected on the windows.

This, on the other hand, is a full picture. It's the Hakaniemi Market Place packed with Christmas shoppers even on Friday morning. But we managed in and out alive and now our fridge is bursting.

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