Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I Wouldn't Be Who I Am Without Yhtenäiskoulu

They are planning to close down my old school!

I cannot fathom how they can even propose such a thing? They tried to do it while I was in elementary school, but they couldn't do it, the school was too strong. I can still feel an unreasonable hatred towards Arja Alho for representing the desicion to close our school down. And I can still remember the misery of falling ill right when there was going to be a night demonstration in the school yard. How I wanted to stand there with a candle in my hand!

A Hesari article on the plans of closing down schools in Helsinki with a picture from my school yard with the current math teacher (he did't teach me).

And about my school in particular in Hesari.

And the website of my school, Yhtenäiskoulu. There is also something in english there in case any non Finnish speaker (any bizarrely weird non Finnish speaker, that is) is interested.

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