Monday, March 26, 2007

Angles on Ankle Treatment

Comparing the Finnish and American Health Care Systems

I sprained my ankle. It hurt for a week and then I went to see a doctor last Tuesday just in case. I walked in and did a "walk in" as they say: First one has to swipe the Yellow Card (the one that gives you hUMan rights) and enter something on a computer. Then one fills in a form and waits to see - a Patient Representative, I think they were called - who then reserves an appointement for a doctor.

Before the appointement one's Medical Files need to be transported to the right check in desk. Since it's important to keep the Private Medical Information safe at all times, this is managed as follows: The Patient Representative puts the files in a big flat red case, zips it up and seals it with a yellow plastic slip. Then I get the red case and carry it to the other end of the corridor to the right desk. The woman there cuts the yellow slip, opens the case and takes the files out. She then takes the files and puts them in the box outside the doctors office so that the doctor can retrieve them before my appointement. You see, this way my Private Medical Information was safe all the time, erm, from me.

First I was really happy about the treatment I got, then later Kevin pointed out that the real difference between the Finnish treatment and this one was the fact that I got some tape. For which I have to pay 81 dollars a month. But I guess the difference really was in how I was treated. They are really good at it here. I guess I could sue them if they wouldn't make me feel happy. In a Finnish health clinic I probably couldn't have seen a doctor and a nurse would have said: "Oh, your ankle is hurting? Take some ibuprofen and give it some rest. If it's still hurting after two weeks, come back". And here I got to see an ankle specialist on the same day!

But anyway, I guess I rather take crappy health care for everybody than great health care for the rich and none for the poor. And my ankle is feeling better and that's the main point really.

1 comment:

Tuomas Korppi said...

Siltä varalta että olet kiinnostunut, aloitin matematiikkaa sivuavan blogin osoitteessa