Saturday, January 20, 2007

About Snow / Lumesta

This morning I looked out of the window and noticed that: "sataa lunta". Even though I guess that here it really is "snow" and not "lunta", I couldn't have thought that "it's snowing". Just like my mother could never be my "mother" but only my "äiti". I was experiencing snow in Ann Arbor for the first time. And when I saw the white snowflakes dancing slowly downwards outside the window, I was tranferred back to Finland to an autumn day when as a small child I saw the first snowfall of the winter. Even though I can't remember any such particular experience from my childhood.

And another thing: A "snowflake" for me is much more a Koch snowflake than an actual snowflake whereas "lumihiutale" is much more an actual lumihiutale than Kochin lumihiutale.

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