Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Demonical Creatures?

The figure in the picture came from a Kinder easter egg. It is a math professor, who cannot count and is thus constantly red with embarrassment because people make fun of him. He (or she) is also "a great expert on dragons and other similar animals". He also looks a bit like the devil.

The article is from Helsingin Sanomat. Apparently a reader had been offended with the devilish easter surprise and the question here is whether it's ok to make toys that look like the devil. Nobody questions whether it's ok that there are people who make toys for children who think that math teachers are quite cute because they are so funny and it's a great joke to make fun of someone who cannot count.

If your multimedia plug-ins are up to date you can visit the Magic Kinder site and see the calculus master in action.

I also learned from Wikipedia that Kinder Eggs "are sold all over the world excluding the United States where the 1938 Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, prohibits embedding 'nonnutritive items' in confections".

I'm also probably a criminal now since I scanned the article here but it was in the restricted section in the web Hesari. Let's hope Hesari won't sue me.


Tuomas Korppi said...

Today the Exactum Unicafe had "Tasty sausage pasta" on the menu. It's quite nice that they tell us which ones of their foods are tasty.

Saara said...

Well, I think they might actually be lying... But anyway, the pasta was apparently popular since it had run out by the time I got to lunch.