I've received much criticism on the Mythological Creatures: “Why didn't so and so get a mythological creature?” or “What is this talk about the upper class?” or “Why are the students not here?”
So I decided to humor some of my critics by drawing another card. This is for Kevin.
But before you start complaining again let me tell you that here the people are chosen by the following criteria: Me plus Mario's students plus Juha's students. If you're not on the card, it doesn't mean that I don't like you or that you don't deserve to have your own animal. But you see how small the clearing in the woods is, there simply wasn't enough room for anybody else.
Notice that we are all cute small fluffy animals. Appropriately.
And while we are on the subject: try googling “Pekka the Unicorn” (with the quotes), you'll get only one hit. The same works with all the other Mythological Creatures. Except for Mario the Dragon. The search “Mario the Dragon” gives 2520 hits, for example fractal dragons.
To critiques I'll say as the poet in a Moomin radio play: “TAIteilijallahan ON oma vaPAUtensa!” This is not funny really if you haven't heard the hole story: A poet had hidden on the Moomin boat and eaten all the cakes and drank all the vine. When caught his answer was the above: “But artist has his poetic licence!” Later he found an entusiastic audience for his poems – tahmatassut. They liked to eat his poems. The Moomin Family got trouble when one tahmatassu later ate their charts (the maps you use at sea). When questioned, he answered: “Mminä luulin sitä rrrunoksi kun siinä ei lllukenut jjuuri mitään!” (“I thought it was a peom since there was practically no text”) Maybe it's not funny either if you haven't heard the play?
Kumpi on Saara: pikku-tikru, joka syö lihakasaa, vai lihakasa?
PS: Onnittelut Tri Kevinille!
Se on olevinaan kivi, jonka takaa Saara-kissa kurkkii... :)
as an act of egoism, i googled "jasun the red panda" and as you may have guessed, google answered:
"Did you mean: jason the red panda?"
oh well. it did find your previous bestiary of mathematicians .. but on the fourth hit. (:
Oh, again and again the lower class is oppressed!
Maybe I should add a caption with all of our titles to the new picture?
it's always better to let websites be discovered. it's more fun that way.
for example, i never refer to my blog in actual, oral conversation .. otherwise, why spoil the surprise when people find it?
Whereas I, on the other hand, am constantly bragging about my blog. :)
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